

Northern Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (NKY ASAP) oversees, monitors, and distributes of funds provided to our region by the Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (KY-ASAP) to support the development of long-term strategies that are designed to reduce the incidence of youth and adult smoking and tobacco addictions, promote resistance to smoking, reduce incidence of substance abuse, and promote effective treatment of substance abuse.


The NKY ASAP Board makes annual funding announcements in accordance with the Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy’s timeline. The NKY ASAP annual “general fund” application announcements occur in December or January with proposals being due approximately 4 weeks from the announcement.

A review team composed of NKY ASAP Board Members and community partners reviews the proposals and recommends to KY-ASAP a limited number of projects which support advancement of NKY ASAP’s strategic goals. Priority is given for prevention, treatment, law enforcement and harm reduction projects serving our 8 NKY county service region. A project chosen by the local board does not guarantee funding or approval from Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy.

Contact Us to be added to our NKY ASAP email notification list. 

Applications for FY26 funds are now closed.

Application Requirements

Evidence Based Practices are preferred.  Applications must align categories as defined by KY-ASAP. Click here for additional information as well as a list of categories.

Scoring Considerations

The Organizational Development Committee leads the review process.  Reviewers are recruited from the Board and community partners.  Click here for more information.


Funded Projects

There have been multiple projects funded to date in our eight Northern Kentucky county region. Click here for additional information about previously funded projects.